Evolution Power Projects is reinventing the way mobile power is provided on site. This in the interest of developing efficiencies, streamlining generator rentals management, supporting critical services and promoting natural gas alternatives.
Our Concept to Completion Approach assists our customers in evaluating their overall power demand and offer innovative, low carbon, environmentally responsible options.
Evolution Power is Leading the way by advancing the Natural Gas to Electricity methods of mobile power supply. We have over ten years experience optimizing electrical distribution and technology development.
We deliver value to our customers through emission reduction technology and support their ESG initiatives. Natural gas electrification is the future of the energy evolution. Cleaner, quieter, safer and most importantly – Measurable.
Building Natural Gas Power Infrastructure
Our NG to Electricity micro grid and expanding generator rentals equipment replaces up to 15 diesel fired generators per site and eliminates diesel fuel usage by up to 5,000 litres per day while seriously reducing on-site sound volumes.
The transition away from diesel to natural gas, isn’t an alternative—it’s an advancement. Our fleet is powerful, streamlined and can accommodate up to 2.4 MegaWatt projects. Our generators use compression and turbine technology with sequencing capabilities allowing us to add-on as projects scale up or down. Packages are portable and fuel tolerant, relevant not only in oil and gas production, but across industry.

Carbon Reducing Natural Gas Power
Transition with Natural Gas Generators
With minimal maintenance and down time. Some generators only requiring one shut down period of 18 hours per year.
Our dedicated technicians ensure our fleet is poised and prepared to provide excellent operational consistency. Maintenance, Diagnostics and Remote Monitoring provide further reliability.
Generators range from 100kW to 2.4 MW. Many have sequencing capabilities.
Natural Gas generators displace inefficient oil based fuel generators with a lower fuel cost energy equivalent product line.
Remote Monitoring, fuel consumption metrics and data tracking capability. Remote operation. 24 Hour Support.
Emission reducing, low carbon fuel source.
Carbon Reducing Natural Gas Power
Working Together

Community Investment

Indigenous Relations

Health & Safety


Company Overivew
Evolution Power is Leading the way by advancing the Natural Gas to Electricity method.