
Environmental, Social & Governance

At Evolution Power, we are leaders in the transition to a clean energy future and environmental responsibility. You might say we are guided by the Energy Evolution as Canada moves toward a Net Zero 2050 Climate Goal and expands the low carbon economy.

Our purpose is to deliver low carbon power solutions, for projects that would require off grid power or, to assist with distribution and placement during early phase construction integrated grid projects. We are passionate about offering cost effective carbon reducing options and are committed to staying at the forefront of technology advancement in order to help our customers reach their environmental goals.

Our environmental policy supports our clients efforts, but isn’t limited to external interest.

road to horizon

Environmental, Social & Governance

Our Commitment

Evolution Power is internally motivated to advocate and uphold the highest environmental standards. Our Directors, Stakeholders, Shareholders, Employees and Communities all share the responsibility of stewardship and progress. We are answering a call to action, and responding to the need for cleaner alternatives for a better environment. This is our pledge:


Carbon Reducing Natural Gas Power


We are pleased to announce that we have set 2022 as our carbon monitoring baseline year, a defining period in our Environmental Policy Development. Using all of the tools and technology at our disposal which includes but is not limited to Live Satellite tracking instrumentation on the fleet, proprietary operations software, systemic operational review and adaptation, emissions factorial data and energy utilization reporting we are quantifying our overall footprint. With this key data, we will set and then achieve realistic footprint reductions and create meaningful offset activities.

trees bigger

Carbon Reducing Natural Gas Power

“We cannot manage what we cannot measure”

Community Partners:

With our company growing rapidly and an association wide reach covering most of Western Canada, it is important for us to give back. We strive to be community partners where we operate and welcome opportunity to contribute to local programs and community efforts.

We are getting active to develop new partnerships with Indigenous Communities, and foster new friendships and opportunity.

Equity, Diversity and Inclusion:

Evolution Power Projects is a diverse and inclusive workplace. We focus on making every member of our team feel welcomed, valued and inspired. We believe our teams should reflect the diversity of the communities we serve, and provide opportunities to everyone sharing our passion.

Evolution Power Projects Management Team has 50% Female, and 25% Indigenous Representation. We pride ourselves on gender and cultural diversity.


Responsible governance and strong leadership are fundamental to our continued growth and the achievement of our goals.

The Evolution Management Team is driven to follow the advancement of technology, climate science and industry methodology to create and deliver impactful services that assist our clients daily and offer value. The pursuit of knowledge and understanding is essential to remaining relevant in our new low carbon economy.

It is our role to drive forward and advocate the replacement of oil based fuel products with cleaner, abundant alternatives which will promote the achievement of Canada’s Net Zero 2050 Goal. Evolution Power Projects makes low carbon power solutions available and affordable, no matter the terrain.

Being an Enterprise Group company means that we are further supported and guided  by our passionate and visionary Board of Directors. As the stewards of our company, our Board of Directors provides oversight of Evolution’s strategic planning, risk management, communication with shareholders and other stakeholders, and standards of business conduct. From the top down, our associations values demonstrate accountability and form the fundamental governing philosophies that our successes rest upon.

Company Overivew

Evolution Power is Leading the way by advancing the Natural Gas to Electricity method.

Servicing British Columbia and Alberta
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